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How Many Sheep Can You Shear in a Day

How Many Sheep Can You Shear in a Day

For thousands of years, sheeps wool has been used for clothing, blankets, artwork, and household tools. Today, the wool industry earns over $40 million a year in the United States alone. On an average day, 14,000 sheep are sheared in the U.S. Thus, sheep shearing is a very lucrative business. Today, we are going to discuss sheep shearing and answer all potential questions you might have. 

How many sheep can you shear in a day

On average, a good shearer can shear 150 sheep a day. There are many factors that can affect this number, such as the obedience of the sheep, size and age of the sheep, quality of wool, type of equipment, and experience of the shearer. Obviously, the more experience a shearer has, the quicker he can shear a sheep and increase the daily output. If a flock of sheep is relatively small (less than 50 sheep), then 1 shearer will most likely shear all of them in a day. However, there are some flocks of sheep in the U.S that have over one thousand sheep. These flocks require around 10 shearers and the job can take a couple days. After the wool is shaved, it is rolled into something called a fleece. Then the fleece is packaged and sent off for processing. The quality of wool is dependent on the thread counts and presence of certain fibers. 

How much does a sheep shearer make?

An experienced sheep shearer can make around $30 an hour. That is not a bad profession, as it adds up to around $60,000 a year. Obviously, it is a physically demanding job. You must have good attention to detail and have enough stamina to shear all day. There are even schools where you can earn a certificate in sheep shearing. It is very important that a shearer has experience and knows what they are doing. They have to be very careful to not injure the sheep or themselves. They also must be able to shear the sheep in a calm manner so that they don’t get anxious. 

Is sheep shearing a seasonal job?

Yes and no. While sheep can be sheared throughout the year, most farmers elect to have their sheep sheared during the spring. This is because sheep generally grow the most amount of wool during the summer and fall months. 

How many times a year do you shear a sheep?

Just about all sheep are sheared just one time per year. The average amount of wool taken from one sheep is 15 pounds. However, some sheep with thick wool have over 30 pounds of wool at one time.

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