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Are Cattle Prods Illegal

Are Cattle Prods Illegal

What are cattle prods?

Cattle prods are a long metal rod that is used by farmers to control the behavior of cattle. Most of the time, at the end of the cattle prod there are two metal electrodes at the end that can create an electrical current. When these rods touch an animal while they are charged, it delivers an electrical shock.

While the shock is not deadly for a big animal like a cow, it can certainly cause some pain. Cattle prods work very similarly to modern day stun guns. The only difference is that cattle prods tend to have higher voltage, and cattle prods were actually invented before stun guns. The first cattle prod was made around the 1920s and 1930s.

Are Cattle Prods Illegal

No, cattle prods are still legal in the United States. Many vendors sell cattle prods, and you can even purchase them online.

While there are some animal rights activists pushing to make cattle prods illegal, they have not made much progress. This is because cattle prods are essentially just like electric fences in a stick, and electric fences will never be outlawed. 

Cheapest place to buy a cattle prod

The cheapest place to buy a cattle prod is here on amazon. At the time of writing, the cattle prod costs around $100.

Is it illegal to have a cattle prod?

No, since you can freely buy cattle prods in the United States from verified venders, it is 100% legal to have a cattle prod.

Cattle prods used on humans

Unfortunately, there have been many instances where cattle prods have been used on humans. This is very painful, as it causes burning, stinging, and cutting sensation. Many torturers have been known to use cattle prods against their victims. Even the police in the 1960s used cattle prods against protesters during the Civil Rights in the 1960s.

Why you shouldn’t use a cattle prod

Animal activists have listed multiple reasons for why you shouldn’t use a cattle prod against animals. They claim that it weakens the cattle’s immune system and can also reduce their chances of reproducing due to the stress caused by the cattle prod. They also claim cattle prods are counterintuitive because cattle that are shocked by a cattle prod will just be more aggressive and stubborn the next time you try to direct them.

Safety precautions for cattle prods

You should never shock an animal with a cattle prod that is wet, as this can cause the voltage to have a deadly shock. You should also never use a cattle prod against an animal that is cornered in or doesn’t have anywhere to move. We recommend starting out with a cattle prod that doesn’t have an electrical shock. If that doesn’t seem to work, then you should move up to one that administers electrical currents. 

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