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Why do Horses Lay Down?

why do horses lay down

It is usual for horses to lie down because they need to rest for a few hours a day. Horses may sometimes sleep while standing up, but if they find themselves in a safe environment, they are more likely to lie on their sides when they rest.

Why do horses lay down?

The main reason a horse lays down is to relax or sleep. However, they may also lay down if they have something caught in their hoof or they are sick.


It is very common for a horse to lay down when they want to relax or sleep. A horse prefers to lay on its side as it is the most comfortable position for these animals. In addition, it enables them to feel more relaxed when they take their much-needed nap and rest for the day.

They often stay in this position for a few hours and may even roll around if they feel safe and secure, because it offers a more comfortable experience and leads to better sleep and relaxation.

Hoof pain

Another reason a horse will lay down is because something is wrong with their hoof. There is a long range of possibilities, including bacterial infections, wounds, fractures, and thrush. There might also be something wrong with their shoes. The key is to observe your horse when they walk.

If you notice that your horse walks or runs with a limp, there is a good chance that something is wrong. You should closely examine their hoof, and take them to the vet if you can’t self diagnose the problem.


Lastly, you horse might lay down because they are sick. There are a long list of illnesses that will cause your horse to lay down for extended periods of time. The key is to observe other aspect of their behavior. If you notice any changes in their eating or drinking patters, or even their socialization patterns, there is a chance they are sick.

When a horse gets sick, they will get very weak and don’t have the strength to stand up on their own. They might also be infested with worms. If you suspect your horse has an illness or infestation, you should take them to a vet right away.

How long do horses lay on the ground?

Generally, a standard period for horses to lay on the ground is at least 2-3 hours every day. This is because horses have two sleeping patterns: slow-wave and paradoxical sleep. In slow-wave sleep, horses drop their heads and maintain little eye movement as they engage in a “stay apparatus” position. In a paradoxical sleep, horses slip into a slumber while standing up before slowly laying down and dozing into a deep sleep.

Horses can stand all day long without any problems if they please. However, just like humans, it is natural to relax and rest, so they prefer to lay down. It is essential to remind ourselves that horses may also lay down when they feel tired, as it is their way of unwinding after a tiresome day.

Therefore, observing if they are lying down more than expected indicates how they feel. Accordingly, paying close attention to a horse’s behavior is crucial, as this helps us understand whether there is anything uncommon in their day- to-day habits. In addition, it is vital to remember that if a horse lies down longer than the standard period, there is a chance they are suffering from some illness or condition.

Anything longer than 4-5 hours of lying down is not typical and, if left neglected, may cause problems and even death depending on the situation.


Equine owners should monitor and observe how often their horses spend lying down because identifying anything unusual in your animal’s daily routine can prevent any of these outcomes from turning into a reality. Other uncommon behaviors that may indicate something is off with a horse include changes in eating habits, aggressive behaviors, and fear. An easier thought to keep in mind is how similar horses and humans work; if anything is slightly different from their mannerisms or routines, this can indicate that something needs tending to.

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