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Why do goats pee in their mouth?

Why do goats pee in their mouth

If you have goats, you have probably witnessed some strange behaviors that make you scratch your head. Today we are discussing one of the most bizarre tendencies of goats: peeing in their mouth.

Why do goats pee in their mouth?

Male goats pee in their mouth and on other parts of the body to attract female goats. Yes, you read that correctly. The scent of a male goats pee is actually used as an attractant for female goats. Essentially, the goats pee is like cologne that they spray themselves with to attract a partner. Aside from peeing in their mouth, some goats will also pee on their legs, back, and just about anywhere they can reach. Sometimes they will even pee on the ground and then roll around in it. A male goat is very proud of his urine scent, and he likes to let other goats (especially females) know it. Goats are also interested in each other’s urine scent. That is why you will commonly see a goat smelling the urine of another goat. 

Male goats that haven’t been neutered are usually the ones to pee in their mouth. They also typically show more aggressive behavior, especially when they are looking to mate with a female goat. On the contrary, goats that have already been neutered usually don’t pee in their mouth or on other parts of their body. This is because they don’t have a need for the mating call since they are not looking for a female goat. Neutered goats also are more calm and friendly to humans.

Goat kidney stones

Unfortunately, kidney stones are not uncommon among goats. Luckily, an easy way to treat this is with ammonium chloride. If your goat has kidney stones or any other urinary tract infection, you should check out our article how to get goats to eat ammonium chloride?

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