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Why do Cows Produce Milk When Not Pregnant

Why do Cows Produce Milk When Not Pregnant

The vast majority of the world’s milk comes from cows. A cow usually starts to product milk when it is in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. During this time period, the cow produces two key hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) which allow the cow to create milk in the udder. Typically, a cow produces way more milk than is needed to care for the calves. In order for a cow to produce the maximum amount of milk, its udders must be milked every single day. A cow usually stops producing milk once it is in the final stage of pregnancy (2-3 months before the calves are born). This is because the udder needs time to prepare for delivering the cow and then getting milked.

Why do cows produce milk when not pregnant?

Cow’s produce milk when they are not pregnant in order to feed their calves. This is common in all mammals, as they produce the most amount of milk right after pregnancy. However, a cow will most likely go dry 1-2 months after pregnancy. This means the cow will not be able to produce milk 1-2 months after the birth of calves. Therefore, the cow must get pregnant again in order to start producing milk again. Once the cow is pregnant again, it will start producing milk again until the 2 month mark before the birth. A cow will usually be impregnated about once a year. 

Is dairy milk unethical?

Many people say that dairy milk is unethical for many reasons. The main reason is that dairy cows are separated from their calves right after birth. Additionally, dairy cows can only go through the dairy cycle three to four times before they are all milked out. Once this happens, they are sent to the slaughter house for their meat. Additionally, in order for a cow to produce the most amount of milk possible, they must be milked on a daily basis. A lot of people complain that this overworks the dairy cow and is not natural. Many animal activists are promoting alternative ways to produce milk, such as with oats or almonds. But for now, dairy cows will continue to be the main source of dairy for millions around the world. 

How long do dairy cows live?

Naturally, a dairy cow will usually live to around 20 years. However, this is rarely the case for commercial dairy cows. Most commercial dairy cows begin having calves at the age of 2 and a half years old. Then, they will go through the calf cycle 3-4 times. After that, they become dry and are slaughtered. Thus most comercial dairy cows live for around 6 years before they are slaughtered. 

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