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How to Treat White Muscle Disease in Baby Goats

How to Treat White Muscle Disease in Baby Goats

What is White Muscle Disease in Goats?

White Muscle Disease (WMD), is a muscle deterioration disease that is found in a variety of large mammals. When a goat has WMD, their muscles become extremely weak, and normal activities such as walking can become extremely difficult.

How do goats get white muscle disease?

White Muscle disease is caused by a deficiency of 2 vital nutrients, Vitamin E and Selenium. This deficiency usually occurs when a goat is not getting these nutrients in their food. White Muscle Disease is common in baby goats because they require higher levels of  Vitamin E and Selenium white they are growing.

How to Treat White Muscle Disease in Baby Goats

There are two main ways to treat white muscle disease in baby goats. The first is to ensure that the food you are giving your baby goats is high in both Vitamin E and Selenium. The second method to treat WMD is by administering Vitamin E/Selenium injections to your baby goats. This second option is more expensive and should only be used in extreme cases.

How to know if your goat has White Muscle Disease?

Since White Muscle Disease attacks the muscles, a goat with WMD will have very little mobility. They will likely walk with a limp, and in some cases the goat will not be able to stand. When a baby goat has white muscle disease, they often cry in pain and are unable to put weight on their limbs.

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