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How to Teach a Horse to Turn on the Haunches

How to Teach a Horse to Turn on the Haunches

What is the turn on the haunches for a horse?

“Turn on the haunches” refers to a special walking technique that a horse usually prepares before the horse puts its weight on its back two legs. While this motion looks very difficult, with the right training techniques you can teach your horse to turn on the haunches in no time.

How to Teach a Horse to Turn on the Haunches

  1. Shift your weight on the horse to encourage him/her to follow the direction you intend to move. Then you want to bend the inside rein while keeping a bend on the outside rein.
  2. Order the horse to shift both its front legs and outside back leg to its inside back leg. Essentially, the inside back leg is acting as the axle of the turn. While your horse keeps its weight on its back two legs, you still want your horse to stay in the same place.
  3. Guide the horse into the movement of the turn. It is very important at this point that you do not pull on the front of the horse, since most of its weight is on the back legs. If you pull on the front, you take the risk of flipping over.
  4. You should take this part very slow. One step at a time, teach your horse to take the step into the turn.
  5. Once your horse works its way into the turn, you should release the tension of the grip on the reigns and give a reward signal to your horse.

It is important to note that you should take these steps very slowly, and do not rush your horse to much. While turn on the haunches is simple once you get the hang of it, it can be hard for a horse in the beginning. Make sure you have patience with your horse.

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