We all know that cows love deer corn – they eat it faster than deer. A group of cows can clear a pile of deer corn in a matter of minutes, which can leave you very frustrated. In today’s article, I will go over the best ways to keep cows away from deer corn.
How to Keep Cows Away From Deer Corn?
The best ways to keep cows away from deer corn is to set up a cattle panel, feed your cows in other areas, or use a deer corn alternative.
Set up a cattle panel
The best and cheapest way to keep cows away from your deer corn is to set up a cattle panel. Usually cattle panel that is only 4 feet tall will do the trick. Cornering off an area with cattle panel can cost anywhere from $50 to $500 depending on the size of the area you need to block off.
This fencing panel is meant for deer but it is really cheap and could get the job done for cows.
You will want to set up the cattle panel at least 30 feet from where you intend to put the deer corn. If you put the deer corn too close to the cattle panel, the cows might be enticed to run it over.
While it will be a little more expensive, you can also try to use hot wire to keep your cows away from the sweet corn.
I know some people have also used an animal repellant to keep cows from a certain area. However, the repellant usually doesn’t last longer than a day or two, and you risk repelling the deer if you put it in your field.
Feed your cows in other areas
Another way to prevent cows from eating deer corn is to feed cows in the opposite part of the field. If you put their feeder on the other end of the field, they will be less enticed to explore food in other areas of the pasture.
In the summer, cows also love shade. So, another option would be to set up a shady spot that is far away from where you intend to throw the deer corn.
However, you should know that cows can see in the dark, so they might find the deer corn at night.
Lastly, while cows will typically eat anything put in front of them, you do reduce the chance of them eating deer corn in you make sure you feed them enough of their own food.
Find a deer corn alternative
Lastly, you can always use a deer corn alternative. While deer corn is great for attracting deer, it is no secret that it attracts cows and even other animals. My suggestion would be to find an alternative that the deer will still like, but that your cows won’t be obsessed with.
Some good alternatives to deer corn include mineral blocks, acorns, and apples. I have also found that a great attractant for deer is buck jam. You can buy buck jam for deer on amazon for only $24.
Tips for hunting deer with deer corn
While deer corn can certainly help you lure in deer to a certain area, there are some tips you should know.
For starters, you should know that deer are typically lazy animals and usually walk into a field on the path that has the easiest access. This means they will usually enter a field in the same are every time. When you put down deer corn in a field, you should also set up a camera.
Once your camera captures the deer’s access point, you should have a good idea of where they typically enter the field. This should give you a good idea of where you should set up your hunting stand.
Make sure that you get a camera that has good night vision.
Also, if the deer are hopping over a fence to get into your field, you can try lowering the fence just a little bit to encourage them to come. If you do this, make sure the fence is still high enough to keep your farm animals in.
Why do cows like deer corn?
Both deer and cows like deer corn because it has a very strong aroma that is really sweet. Just like deer, a cow can smell deer corn from a long distance away. Deer corn is high in carbohydrates, so it provides a lot of energy for cows.