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How Long Does it Take for a Goat to Deliver?

How Long Does it Take for a Goat to Deliver?

How long is a goat pregnant?

From the time of conception to the birth of the kid, a goat is usually pregnant for 5 months. Most goat pregnancies fall in the range of 140-155 days.

How long does it take for a goat to deliver?

The first stage of a goat delivering usually lasts around 10-12 hours. During this period, the goat begins to dilate. In this stage, the mother goat is usually very anxious, and will lay on her side. We recommend giving your goat space at this point, because the presence of humans will make her more anxious.

The second stage, which is when the goat starts pushing out the kid, usually lasts around 20 to 30 minutes. It is important that the kid comes out head first, and with its front paws extended out. Therefore, the first part of the kid you should see is either the nose or the front legs. There is no need to freak out if the kid comes out backwards. Just make sure he comes out quickly and is cleaned right away.

What to do if goat is not coming out?

If the mother has been pushing for over 45 minutes and there is still no sign of the kid, you should call a vet immediately. They will talk you through the proper steps to assist in the delivery.

The period right after a kid is born is crucial for its development. You should ensure that the mother is cleaning and licking the kid. If the goat does not get the proper care and attention from the mother right after birth, there is a possibility that the mother goat will reject the baby kid.

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