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A Horse’s Pulse Can Increase Under What Conditions

a horse's pulse can increase under what conditions

What should a Horse’s pulse be?

A horse’s pulse should be around 40 beats per minute. Obviously, this number can be a lot higher if the horse has just been running or any other physical activity. For instance, a horse that just raced can have a pulse of up to 210 beats per minute.

How to take a horse’s pulse?

Taking a horse’s pulse is very easy. We recommend taking a horse’s pulse at the artery located right below the horse’s jaw. Follow these steps to take a horse’s pulse:

  1. Take your horse to a quiet place where there are no other animals nearby
  2. Stick two fingers (not your thumb) underneath your horse’s jaw. Try to find the pulse which should be located on the jaw bone.
  3. Once you find the pulse, press down slightly so that you can feel each beat
  4. Count the number of beats in a time span of 30 seconds. Then multiply that number by 2 in order to get your horse’s heart rate

A Horse’s Pulse Can Increase Under What Conditions

A Horse’s pulse can increase under the following conditions:

  • Exercise
  • Presence of other horses or animals
  • Stress
  • Bad Weather
  • Respiratory Illness
  • Hypertension

What to do if your horse has a high pulse?

If your horse has a high pulse, there is no need to panic. We recommend taking the pulse again 30 minutes later. If it is till high then you should test again the next day. If it is still high, then your horse might be suffering from a disease or illness. When a horse has a high pulse, it means that his/her heart is working extra hard to pump blood throughout the body. A horse with a high pulse can suffer from anxiety or many other diseases. If your horse consistently has a high pulse, you should consult a vet.

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