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Why Do Mini Pigs Foam at the Mouth

why do mini pigs foam at the house

Mini pigs are defined as pigs that are considerably smaller than the average pig. Most mini pigs weight between 15-60 pounds. They also have small distinctive ears that are perked back. Miniature pigs are commonly used for scientific purposes and testing vaccines. 

Why do mini pigs foam at the mouth?

While most people associate foaming at the mouth with rabies, this is usually not the case. While mini pigs can get rabies which will cause foaming at the mouth, this is extremely rare, and it is usually something else that is causing a mini pig to foam at the mouth. Below are the main reasons mini pigs foam at the mouth:


The most common reasons mini pigs foam at the mouth is because they are anticipating food. This is very similar to dog behavior, who also foam at the mouth when they realize they are going to get food soon. The excitement causes the mini pig’s heart rate to increase, which in turn causes the pig to create more saliva. Obviously, this saliva ends up in the mouth, and then turns into foam that exits the mouth. 


It is also common for mini pigs to foam at the mouth when they feel threatened or are about to display aggressive behavior. This could be when they see another animal that is in their vicinity. Similar to their excitement for food, an aggressive mini pig will have a faster heart rate which in turn will create more saliva. If you suspect your mini pig will display aggressive behavior, try to isolate him/her and calm them down. 


Another reason mini pigs will foam at the mouth is because they ate something toxic. While pigs usually don’t rummage through your trash like other pets, they are very curious animals and will eat any plant that looks or smells interesting to them. The most common toxic plant that pigs eat is called Bracken. When pigs consume bracken, their entire nervous system is attacked and will eventually shut down. As a response, your mini pig will foam at the mouth as its body tries to get the toxin out of its system. If you suspect your mini pig ate something toxic, you should call a vet immediately. Even eating one leaf of a poisonous plant can cause a pig to die. 


Lastly, a mini pig will foam at the mouth if they are in pain. You should observe your mini pig’s behavior. If you see that they are walking differently, or changed their eating habits, there is a chance they are in serious pain. Mini pigs that are in serious pain will foam at the mouth because of anxiety. If you notice your mini pig is foaming at the mouth and is displaying changes in behavior, you should call a vet immediately. 

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